Saturday, October 22, 2011

Parametric Unit Studies: Fluid vs. Solid

[click on image to enlarge]

The component that emerged from my minimal surface research...

Variations in Density




Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Parametric Unit Studies: Schoen's Minimal Surface Component

Minimal surfaces are capable of representing fluidity and taking on amorphous forms, but can also be planar--allowing for a component that expresses the qualities of land and water using the same parameters.

The base curves that define a minimal surface are 2+ degree curves. When the parameters are set so that the curves are parabolic, the surface is fluid. When the points defining a curve are arranged linearly, the result is, simply, a line. If all the base curves of a minimal surface are actually lines, the surface is planar.


Parametric Unit Studies: Minimal Surface Component

[click on image to enlarge]

Working towards a more spatial component that incorporates point and edge connections--creating a continuous field when aggregated.